Community & Resources

Where do you want to live? How do you live?

The community you live in is just as important as the home you buy.  Do you want to learn more about a particular community? Are you having difficulties figuring out which neighborhood would be perfect for your lifestyle?

The Twin Cites has 13 counties and countless suburbs, I can provide you with important insights into a range of communities so you can make a more informed decision.

Click here for The insider’s guide to the Twin Cities


You can register to vote and find your polling place at You can also register when you apply for a Minnesota driver’s license or at your polling place on the day of an election.

Moving out of the Area?

Do you need information on communities in other parts of the city or country? I work with a national and international network of agents I can provide resources and locate great real estate agents wherever you choose to call home.

Next Steps?

For information on communities, call or email me personally and let’s get started!